Look over the shoulder car dress
Look over the shoulder car dress

look over the shoulder car dress

These technology-enabled sections of motorways have enhancements such as: On some busier sections of motorways we temporarily open the hard shoulder or have converted it to a permanent extra lane so that more vehicles can travel, avoiding the expense and disruption of widening the road.

  • Controlled motorway: with three or more lanes, a hard shoulder and variable speed limits.
  • All lane running: where the full width of the road is usable with emergency refuge areas alongside.
  • Dynamic hard shoulder: where the hard shoulder is temporarily opened up to traffic.
  • The three types of motorway shown on the map are: This map shows routes of completed smart motorways and smart motorways under construction.

    look over the shoulder car dress

    This helps keep the traffic flowing more smoothly. The technology is controlled from regional control centres which can activate and change signs and variable speed limits. Many parts of Highways England’s motorway network use technology to monitor and manage the flow of traffic.

    Look over the shoulder car dress